In most instances, your child is perfectly safe at a daycare center provided all rules and regulations are met. However, not all daycare centers are reliable, and as a result, your child could become hurt both emotionally and physically. In Ohio, there have been a few cases of child abuse and neglect arising in recent years, and parents should rightfully be wary of which daycare center they place their trust in. If your child is hurt at a daycare center, you might not know what to do or what your options are.

You likely want to hold the center or person responsible for the traumatizing event accountable. However, it’s often not so simple as it can be confusing to determine the various laws and legal processes you need to undertake. Fortunately, an experienced Ohio injury lawyer can help you gain not only compensation but also justice for your child. At the Henry Law Firm, we focus on the client and can assist you by performing a thorough investigation and initiating a claim if your child has been a victim of daycare abuse or negligence.


In the United States, a study concluded that between one to seven percent of all injuries sustained by a child at a daycare center are severe and require medical attention. Additionally, this study stated that those children who sustain frequent minor injuries have a higher likelihood of sustaining severe injuries in the future. Although not every daycare injury results from someone else’s negligent actions, there are a few common causes of injuries at a daycare center. In most cases, a specific occurrence can pinpoint your child’s injuries. It is important to note that injuries do not only occur due to an abusive or careless daycare owner or employee’s direct actions. Below are a few of the other types of negligence at a daycare that could be the cause of your child’s injuries:

  • Faulty or defective playground equipment
  • Delays in necessary medical attention
  • Harmful or hazardous daycare furniture and toys
  • Untrained staff who are unable to care for children properly
  • Unsafe environment with safety hazards (uncovered electrical circuits, toxic substances, etc.)
  • Inadequate staff-to-children ratio
  • Lack of supervision due to understaffing
  • Unsanitary environment (poor hygiene practices and regulations)


It’s best to know the different signs of daycare injuries so that you can identify if your child is a victim of daycare abuse or negligence. For parents, the thought or knowledge of their child being injured at daycare is a terrifying experience. Many children cannot express what has happened to them because of their young age. However, there are signs you as a parent can look for if you suspect your child of sustaining injuries while at daycare.

  • Specific unexplained injuries your child has not received at home or while in your company
  • Insomnia and problems sleeping (nightmares, refusing to sleep, irregular sleep patterns)
  • Unexplainable injuries (cuts, bruises, burns, broken bones, etc.)
  • Bedwetting and increased bouts of irritability
  • Emotional strain when discussing going to daycare (stress, crying, tantrums)
  • Notable changes in your child’s behavior, mood, or personality


Before selecting a daycare provider, it’s prudent that parents find out as much information as possible before committing to a daycare center. It’s essential parents look for past complaints on the provider’s website, Facebook page, or the Ohio Child Care Search database. Additionally, parents could speak with parents who have sent or are still sending their children to the daycare to find out if it is reputable. There is more information that parents should find out, and we have listed a few tips on what parents should ask and learn before sending their child to a daycare center.

  • Has the daycare center had any previous violations?
  • Are the state inspection reports up to date? Ohio law states that the inspection reports must be on display
  • Do any of the staff at the daycare have a past criminal record?
  • Is the daycare center compliant with proper licensing requirements?
  • Is the daycare adequately staffed?
  • Are the staff employed proficiently trained in CPR and first aid?
  • Are all safety measures required implemented (fire extinguishers, carbon monoxide detectors, smoke and fire alarms, etc.)?


If your child has been injured at daycare, there are a few crucial steps you should take to ensure your child’s overall safety. The steps below will also positively affect your chances of achieving a positive outcome should you decide to initiate a claim with a lawyer against a daycare.

  • Step One: You will need to seek medical attention for the injured child as soon as possible, even if their injuries are minor and not life-threatening. The child’s medical records can serve as proof at a later date of abuse or neglect.
  • Step Two: Document your child’s injuries. Take photos of your child’s injuries and where the injuries were sustained. You must also keep a record of what your child said happened, what witnesses believe happened, and what you think happened to cause the injuries.
  • Step Three: You will need to report the injuries to your daycare. Demand the daycare complete an incident report stating what happened to injure your child. If the injuries are severe, you might want to file a police report with your local department.
  • Step Four: You should contact your lawyer as child injury claims can be complicated and difficult to understand. A lawyer can assist you and guide you on what the next steps will be. They can also advise you if you have a valid case. With a lawyer’s assistance, you are more likely to gain the compensation your child needs to treat his or her injury and provide future care.


Your child’s safety should always be a priority for daycare centers. Children are vulnerable and require diligence, attention, and appropriate care. Too many daycares prioritize their profits rather than child safety. Those daycares need to be identified and aggressively investigated to keep all of our children safe. If you feel your child is a victim of negligence or abuse at a daycare center in Ohio, we can help you at the Henry Law Firm. We practice representing those whose children have been injured due to the negligence of daycare providers. Contact the Henry Law Firm today to discuss your claim.